Wednesday, June 2, 2010

The I$rael Issue: Dollars and no sense

Good luck with Issy AFL!

The boy hasn't kicked a ball further than 23 metres and has no idea about positioning in AFL. It's ok though because he has "watched a few games while I was down in melbourne". I have a few mates that Demetriou should be offering billions to going by that logic.

I wonder what the best player in the game of AFL Mr. Ablett thinks about this bloke who has never laced on a fumbleball boot being paid 1 and a half times his salary...? Sort of says something about the AFL though doesn't it.. They are willing to pay the most for a super athlete produced by Rugby League to do morning soundbites on Nova & MMM in Sydney and coaching clinics (warning to all young girls hoping to attend these clinics: Be careful, pregnancy might ensue. Warning to parents of said young girls: Be careful, AFL hierarchy may back AFL players & release information about your daughter eg. "She said she was older, our players swear") and perhaps even play third grade fumbleball in Penrith. OUCH, that's gotta hurt the pride of real AFL players... I wonder if they would be thinking, "Man that rugby league must be a tough sport if they can produce this guy and our bosses are saying he is worth more than Ablett, Judd, Brown or Didak.."

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